Wednesday, September 1, 2010

"It doesn't hurt anymore! It's a Miracle!"

I had a patient exclaim that today after I had treated her.

She was about 60 years old, works part time as a receptionist, and has always had trouble with her low back throughout the years.  17 years ago, she threw out her back enough to be out of commission for 2 weeks.  This time it was worse.  She threw it out again 4 weeks ago, and even though she has been going to chiropractic and massage therapy twice a week for each treatment (4 per week), it has been getting progressively worse, not better.

After taking her history, learning what makes her tick, discussing bowel habit (cheers to you, Kristina!) and a few eating habits that were making her problem worse.  She had extreme difficulty getting onto the table.  Once she was comfortable as possible, I put her up on the table face down and used 5 points:

Du20, Du14, Ub25rl, Ub40.

That's one on the top of the head, one on the spine a handwidth below the hairline, two beside the spine level with the top of the iliac crests (both sides, hence the lr notation), and one behind the left knee (it was worse on the left).

After her 30 minutes were up (I checked at 15 minutes, just to make sure she was still comfortable), she eased off the table, sat for a moment, then gingerly stood up.

She looked at me with wonder in her eyes, and said, "It doesn't hurt, it's a miracle!"

Now, tell me:  How on earth does the application of 5 tiny little needles deflate 4 weeks worth of chronic pain, that she listed as 10/10 on her pain scale in 30 minutes?  What is acupuncture doing for her that massage and chiropractic aren't doing for her?

All I can say is that it's results like these that keep me loving what I do for a living.

If you cannot be the King, be a healer!

1 comment:

  1. With your case studies can you put in allot of details? This would be good practice for me. LIke where on her back did it hurt? Is she working with a ciropractor? What sx did she have other than the thrown out back? Is there a spleen deficency? Is there lower back pain and knee pain? Kidney yin/yang def? Maybe we can start a site and honestly post ... confidentially clinic experiences... im in my third year in canada and my exam is just around the corner! Oh what was her pulse like?
