Sunday, August 22, 2010

The Bladder

Who knew the Bladder, or Ub or Bl for short, could be connected to so much?  It's the longest meridian on the body, has a Yang polarity (hollow) and has an astounding 67 points!  It starts on the face in the inner canthis of the eye, travels up to the inner edge of the eyebrow, and continues over the head close to the centerline of the body or Du meridian.  It continues down along either side of the spine, 1.5 cun to be exact, down to the first sacral foramen and to each of them to the fourth sacral foramen where it deviates obliquely to the mid line to reach the coccyx.  It then continues down the back of the leg to the point Ub40.  A second external branch starts at Ub10 at the occipital, and runs parallel but 3 cun from the mid line.  Points start from 41 to end at 54 on this channel.  It passes over the buttock and continues down the leg to meet Ub40 at the popliteal fossa then descending over the calf muscles and reaches the foot after passing behind the lateral malleolus.  It continues down the lateral boarder of the foot and ends at the lateral corner of the little toenail.

It communicates with the Kidney meridian at Yuan source point Ub64, and Luo connecting point Ub58.  It's clinical uses cover almost the entire human condition, as it communicates with every internal organ as it passes along the spinal cord, and interacts with the nerve ganglia which supplies each internal organ at that level.  These particular points are the Back-Shu points, and they become tender in disorders, which also makes them alarm points.  If one needles Front-Mu points with the corresponding Back-Shu point, then distal points are not required.  This is the basis of Japanese style acupuncture which focuses on abdomen and back points.

In clinic, the points on the face are for eye disorders.  Points on the back treat each of the internal organs (see above), point in the lumbar region are for low back pain and genito urinary disorders, while points on the lower limbs are used for pain, muscle cramps and other local disorders, while those below the knee serve as distal points for the treatment of disease on the proximal course of the channel.

The points on the scalp are rarely used, and the same with the outer row of bladder points on the back.  Just about every other point is fair game though...

Here we go with the details!

Ub1, Dangerous point, indicated for diseases of the eye.  0.1 cun medial and superior to the inner canthus.  Don't stimulate this needle for any reason, unless you like blind patients.

Ub2, indicated for diseases of the eye, sinusitis, frontal headache and Dr. Pye uses this to help with hyper or hypo tension.  Needle pointed towards Ub1 for this effect.

Ub10, level with Gb21 but 1.3 cun lateral to Du15.  Indicated for stiff neck, occipital headache, sore throat and cervical spondylosis.  This point is rarely used, but massage therapists and chiropractors perform neck bridging at this point.

Ub11  Dashu:  Influential point for bone and cartilage.  Good for pain in the shoulder girdle area, arthritis of the joints.  This is used in ALL joint, bone and cartilage disorders.  It is one of my personal favorites.  I have used this point in conjunction with Du14, Li4, Li11, St36, Sp6, St44 to help treat fibromayalgia, with great success.

Ub13  Feishu:  Lung Shu point, at T3.  This is the first of the Shu points.  As such, each of the shu points can be use to treat any disorder that the corresponding organ or organ channel is related to.  In this case, lung disease, nose disorders, skin disorders and lesions of the soft tissues of the dorsal spine.

Ub14 Jueyinshu Pericardium Shu point, at T4.  This can treat Heart disease and brain disorders

Ub15 Xinshu Heart Shu Point, at T5.  Can treat Heart disease, neurasthenia (a psychological disorder that sounds really similar to fibromaylagia, characterized by lassitude, depression, general aches and pains, memory loss and headaches), hysteria, epilepsy, schizophrenia, insomnia, anxiety, addictions, behavioral disorders.

Ub17 Keshu, Influential Blood point, Shu point for Diaphragm, at T7.  Indicated for paralysis of diaphragm, hiccups, anorexic nervosa, anemia, chronic hemorrhagic diseases, leukemia.

Ub18, Ganshu, Liver Shu point, at T9.  Good for liver disease, eye disease, muscle and tendon disorders, local problems on the spine.  It probably goes without saying that every point is good for local problems...

Ub19, Danshu, Gall Bladder Shu point, at T10.  Gall bladder diseases, local point.

Ub20, Pishu, Spleen Shu point, at T11.  Good for gastrointestinal disorders, edema, allergies, soft tissue disorders

Ub21, Weishu, Stomach Shu point, at T12.  Stomach disorders.

Ub22, Sanjiaoshu, Sj Shu point, at L1.  Abdominal distension, flatulence, loss of appetite, incontinence, local.

Ub23, Shenshu, Kidney Shu point, at L2.  Genitourinary disorders, ear disease, bone disorders, alopecia.

Ub25, Dachangshu, Large Intestine Shu, at L4, level with the upper boarder of the iliac crest.  Good for diarrhea, constipation, low backache, sciatica, paralysis of the lower extremities.

Ub27, Xiaochangshu, Small Intestine Shu, at the first posterior sacral foramen.  Low backache, enteritis, sacro-iliac diseases.  It says that it's not used much, but I use this point frequently in my low backache patients.

Off to bed...

Ub28, Pangguangshu, Urinary Bladder Shu, at the second posterior sacral foramen.  Genitourinary disorders, lumbo sacral disorders.

Ub32, Ciliao, for genitourinary disorders (dysmenorrhea, premature ejaculation, noctural enueuresis (bedwetting), hemorrhoids, sciatica

Ub36, Chengfu, in the middle of the gluteal fold.  Indicated for sciatica, paralysis of the lower limb, hemorrhoids.

Ub37, Yinmen, on the midline 6 cun south from Ub36.  Same as Ub36.

Ub40, Weizhong, One of the 6 important distal points, sciatica, lumbago, paralysis of the lower limb, genitourinary disorders, disorders of the knee, skin disease.

Ub54, At the level of the fourth sacral foramen, 3.0 cun lateral to the midline.  Genitourinary disorders, hemorrhoids, sciatica, hip disorders, paralysis of the lower limb.  (not used much)

Ub57, Chengshan, At the union of the two bellies of the gastrocnemius., 8 cun, below weizhong (Ub40)  Good for sciatica, cramps of the calf muscles, acupressure is good during pregnancy, as a needle here may cause abortion!  Also good for pain in the sole of the foot, paralysis of the lower limb, hemorrhoids. 

Ub58, Feiyang, 7 cun above Ub60 on the lateral aspect of the calf muscle, or 1 cun south and west of Ub57.  Good for opthalmoplegia.

Ub60, Midway between the prominence of the lateral malleolus and the lateral boarder of the Achilles tendon.  Good for painful disorders of the ankle region, sciatica, lumbago, paralysis of the lower limb

Ub62  Shenmai, Confluent point.  Good for convulsions, epilepsy, apoplexy, mental disorders, drug addictions, foot-drop.  This is the most important sedative and tranquilizer point of the lower limb.  I use this one frequently, as stress is really common in my clinic.

Ub67  Zhiyin, Jing-Well point.  Good to prevent breach birth, difficult labour.  Helps reinforce uterine contractions and expedite delivery at full term.  Avoid in the early months of pregnancy.  Moxibustion on the needle is indicated.

Here's a diagram of the channel and it's points

Here are the points that matter.

Here's the points that aren't mentioned that might be helpful...

Ub58, Feiyang, Luo connecting point
Ub60, Fire point
Ub62 Confluent point
Ub64, Yuan source point
Ub65, Wood point
Ub66, Water point
Ub67, Metal point, Jing-well.

These points will be collected and presented in another format that makes it easy to memorize. 

The rest of the meridian circulates with the Du channel at Du20 and communicates directly with the brain.  While coursing down along the paravertebral muscles, it communicates with the organs urinary bladder and the kidney.  At the back-shu points, deep communication occurs with all the other internal organs as well.

Syndromes of the Urinary Bladder

A The urinary bladder channel, lacrimation, when exposed to wind, rhinitis, epistaxis, vertical and occipital headaches, backache and sciatica.

B The Organ Urinary Bladder.  Diseases of the urinary bladder have 2 main syndromes.

Damp-heat in the urinary bladder.  Damp heat injures the urinary bladder causing frequency, urgency and pain on urination.  Blood clots may occur, renal stones may form.  The tongue is red with a black coating, the pulse may be rapid.

Disturbance in the urinary bladder functions.  This is due to a kidney insufficiency.  The symptoms are dribbling or retention of urine.  The tongue is pale and deep thready pulse may be felt.

That's the scoop.

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